Children are directly supervised by a teacher on the playground from 8:40am in Area 1. Children who are left unattended in the playground before 8:40am can be cared for by the Before and After School care provider for the usual fee.
The first bell rings at 8:55am and this indicates that the children are to make their way to assembly under the COLA on a Monday morning. Every other day of the week children move to their class lines. Classes start 9:00 am.
Children eat their lunches with their class teacher from 11:30 - 11:45 as part of our Health program and discussion takes place at this time regarding healthy eating habits. We have a Waste-Free Wednesday program that runs, encouraging no wrappers used.
At the Lunch break (11:00 - 11:30) and Recess (1:45 – 2:15) three teachers have responsibility for designated areas of the playground. Children need to speak to a teacher on duty first if they are having problems on the playground.
There are 3 main areas in our playground:
- Area 1 covers the basketball court and the Ausplay equipment. The equipment is not to be used before school.
- Area 2 covers the large asphalt area and the grass area. It is reserved for large ball games such as soccer, touch football, etc
- Abbey's Garden is a quiet, contemplative space for students, parents and staff.
At 3pm school finishes and all children must leave the site immediately, unless they are enrolled in (ACT) Activities Centre Tempe or one of our after school programs. Children waiting to be picked up by a parent or sibling should wait at the silver seats near the Kindergarten rooms.